Sunday 18 October 2009

Rollercoaster - 1st thoughts

After playing Theme Park and Rollercoaster Tycoon years ago it's time to craft the ultimate roller-coaster by my own in 3D.
Task: Design and model the ultimate roller-coaster. Set in either outer-space or underwater or in-between...

First decision to make is if I use the outer-space or the underwater theme. Therefore i made a comparison-table where I wrote down some important key elements (and more) and filled it with my first thoughts regarding to the certain topic.

  • Space
  • Key Elements: stars, planets, spaceships, asteroids, nebula clouds, explosions
  • Mood: dark, black, space, forsakenness, partially funky
  • Famous role-models: nearly every science-fiction stuff
  • Architecture: angular

  • Underwater
  • Key Elements: floating particles, fish, bubbles, swarms, seaweed, refractions on ground, waves, corals, anchors, rusty waste, scuba stuff, boats, submarines
  • Mood: dark, blue/green, forsakenness
  • Famous role-models: atlantis, rapture (bioshock), finding nemo
  • Architecture: organic and partially angular

My conclusion is that I'll use the underwater theme, because I think that there are more possibilities and i can get used to the Maya Fluid System.


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