Sunday 14 February 2010

Just moved...

... to! So be prepared for further blogging about 3D, Motiondesign, Animation and Webdesign.

Tuesday 9 February 2010

The blog is going to move...

Due to the fact, that (imho) blogging is really useful for myself and for prospect clients, I decided to integrate a blog into my new website, which is going to be launched soon. Therefore I'll stop posting here and move on to Hendrik Landwehr · Digital Design Freelancer - Motiondesign, 3D Visualisation and Animation, Print- and Webdesign to combine recent thoughts and news about important stuff from my fields of interest and to cover some of my work in progress. I'll focus more on being a professional freelancer and to find the best balance between studies and work.

Friday 29 January 2010

NTU Waverly

Just sorted out my Lightroom. Found this beautiful picture of the NTU Waverly building.
NTU Waverly

Sunday 10 January 2010

Random renders

Just want to give a sign of life. On this occasion I uploaded a few random renders.

Cinema4D MoGraph 2 test
Cinema4D MoGraph 2 exploding pokerchips

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Walk Cycle Animation

This will be the last post for now. Days in grief...

Friday 20 November 2009

Robot from scratch - Part2: Hands

Finished the lower body rig! Finally... struggled a lot due to mirrored geometry and joints...

Thursday 19 November 2009

Robot from scratch - Part1.5: New Joints

I had to rebuild my robo-joints for a proper rigid bind. I will finish the model soon. Afterwards I'm going to add details like pistons and cables. Learned a lot due to this rigid/smooth approach.